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Stecker, M. J. (2016). Awash in a Sea of Confusion: Benefit Corporations, Social Enterprise, and the Fear of "Greenwashing". Journal Of Economic Issues (M.E. Sharpe Inc.), 50(2), 373-381. doi:10.1080/00213624.2016.1176481
Rawhouser, H., Cummings, M., & Crane, A. (2015). Benefit Corporation Legislation and the Emergence of a Social Hybrid Category. California Management Review, 57(3), 13-35. doi:10.1525/cmr.2015.57.3.13
McDonnell, B. H. (2014). COMMITTING TO DOING GOOD AND DOING WELL: FIDUCIARY DUTY IN BENEFIT CORPORATIONS. Fordham Journal Of Corporate & Financial Law, 20(1), 19-72.
Hemphill, T. A., & Cullari, F. (2014). The Benefit Corporation: Corporate Governance and the For-profit Social Entrepreneur. Business & Society Review (00453609), 119(4), 519-536. doi:10.1111/basr.12044