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Online Articles Tutorial: Introduction


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Welcome to the Library's tutorial on accessing our electronic journals, newspapers, magazines, and books. All of the articles are housed in a set of databases that can be searched using a service called EBSCOhost. This guide will show you how to access the EBSCO collection and navigate within it to search the various databases and find what you are looking for.

EBSCO Databases

EBSCOhost is a powerful series of online proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers.  Use EBSCO to stay current on important issues in the nonprofit sector and philanthropy and to support prospect research.

About the Tutorial


In this tutorial, we explore how to create an EBSCO account and how to use Forefront's subscription databases within it including:

  • how to search for current articles about the nonprofit sector, philanthropy, and social enterprises;
  • how to locate corporate Marketline reports;
  • how to set search alerts for the latest news and to supplement prospect research; and
  • how to identify book summaries to support professional and personal development.

Forefront members can access EBSCO databases remotely, but we encourage all our patrons to take advantage of the databases when visiting the Library.

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